A: Many Christians would like to believe such things but there are many conflicting texts referring to Yahweh. Many of us have had religious nuts knocking at our doors telling us that God had a wife and that she is our Mother etc. Believe it or not, without knowing it, they are actually referring to Yahweh. The oldest information that can be found of Yahweh are Hebrew and Elamite references which all seem to link Yahweh to Ancient Sumer (literally referenced as ‘Yahweh of Sumeria.’). So what exactly happened in ancient Sumer?
Sumer is mentioned in the Bible quite a few times, basically because it was the first major civilisation to arise in ancient Mesopotamia and many relics, carvings and monuments have been left behind for us to find.
The Most interesting thing about Ancient Sumer is the writings ( carvings ) believed to be translated by a man named Zecharia Sitchin who claims in his book that his life’s work was to translate this colossus of information. A Few years back Zecharia Sitchin went public with his findings as he had stumbled on a very interesting version of a very well known story among the religious and those interested in history.
Zecharia Sitchin claimed that the language written by the Sumerians said something along these lines:
The Sumerians say, in their carvings, that they did not come up with their language on their own. An Alien race called ‘The Annunaki’ descended to Earth and taught the Sumerians their language. These Annunaki were benevolent and Angelic beings that towered above men and were god-like with limitless power. The Annunaki revealed many secrets to the Sumerians as they were intrigued as to how similar the human form had reflected that of the annunaki and the reasons for that were also revealed. According to the Annunaki, Earth ( or Tiamata as they called it ) was originally in orbit around the sun, somewhere between Jupiter and Mars. Nibiru, The Annunaki’s planet, was a rogue planet which passed in and out of different solar systems including ours. On one of these visits by Nibiru many Millennia ago, there was a collision between Tiamata and Nibiru leaving Tiamata devastated and floating as half a planet. The Collision pushed Tiamata into the orbit Earth is in now and the left over debris formed what we know as the Asteroid Belt. Because of this collision, according to the Annunaki, Humans adopted many of the basic Physical Features of the inhabitants of Nibiru.
Eventually the Annunaki began to experiment genetically with human DNA and their own in a place of sanctuary known as Edhen ( or Eden ) and eventually created the first annunaki-human Hybrid named Adam.
When the Annunaki retuned thousands of years later they realised that the Earth women were beautiful and took wives of their own, living like Kings among the humans. As a result of taking human wives, the offspring spawned from this union were unholy half-breeds called ‘The Nephillim.’ The Nephillim (also known as “Children from the Sons of God and the Daughters of Man”) became a plague upon the Earth which forced the Annunaki’s hand to wipe them out.
There are also some very interesting carvings of the solar system represented as 9 spheres with their respective sizes and positions orbiting the sun ( remembering this is 10,000 years ago – we didn’t even realise the Earth was round until 400 years ago... ) and there are even carvings which seem to perfectly represent the Arc of the Covenant ( which wasn’t supposed to have been created until 5000 years later during the Exodus of the Israelites from Egypt... ).
It goes on a bit from there but you get the idea...
There are many Carvings of God-like and Angelic looking Annunaki that are still very prevalent in Sumerian artefacts and art. One interesting carving is of a female deity named ‘ashera’ who is shown to be the wife of Yahweh.
According to Prof. Richard Smoley, who is well versed in Sumerian texts, art and culture, there are a number of references in Sumerian writings that prove that no matter who Yahweh was, he was Married to Ashera. There may have also been a falling out between them but this is unclear at this time.
There are even other civilisations that reference Yahweh. The Egyptians mention him as YWH, (as they didn’t adopt vowels in their language until much later in their history) and also make references to Sumer, Elam & Akkad. But the majority of references of Yahweh show us that Yahweh was a deity of some sort from ancient Sumer.
The Book of Enoch, even though tells us a very similar story of the Grigori, the Angels and the Nephallem, doesn’t mention Yahweh at all. God is labelled as many other things such as: The Most High, The God of The Elect, The God of the Angels, etc, but there is no reference or mention to anyone called Yahweh.
Was Yahweh Omnipresent? It seems very doubtful indeed as there are many misconceptions about Yahweh as you can see, but most people believe strongly that Yahweh is Omnipresent, peaceful, unmarried, and all knowing – however history, theology and Mythology from cultures other than Christian say otherwise.
The Book of Enoch and Genesis paint God as a pretty un-peaceful God who destroys all life on Earth in a fit of rage – then regrets doing so afterwards.... This would imply somewhat NOT all knowing and somewhat NOT peaceful.
And the story of the Annunaki also makes the figure Yahweh seem somewhat NOT omnipresent either.